Carbon Uncategorized work


Two new neclaces are finished and will be on display at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo. by 24.11. 2023

Carbon2, 2023: Elm, lebondolite, silk, pigments

Carbon1, 2023: Elm, iolit, silk, pigments

Workbench photo


Artist Statement

In my objects I am working on writing a story. A story which is legible to the senses with tactile, physical and visual qualities. Time, technique and materials are my language.

During my work process I focus on the material and the possibilieies of expression it gives me. I aspire to be openminded in this prosess and not force it towards a planned result. And I am curious which stories the object is going to tell me.

I mine objekter arbeider jeg med å skrive en historie. En historie som er lesbar for sansene ved taktile, materielle og visuelle kvaliteter. Tid teknikk og materiale er mitt språk.

I arbeidsprosessen fokuserer jeg på materialet og de uttrykksmulighetene det gir meg. Jeg jobber hele tiden med å ha en åpenhet i prosessen hvor jeg ikke styrer etter en planlagt resultat, men er nyskjerrig på hvilke historier objektet kan komme til å fortelle meg.


I am a norwegian jewelry artist, working in metal and more. An artist stament, my cv and contact information as well as pictures of some of my work is presented on this blog.

news work

Under the surface

Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Silk, porcelain, carneol, gold

Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Silk, porcelain, golden rutil

Under the surface, brooch, 2013. Patinated copper, silk, blue stone from an old goldring, surgical steel, chorall from Lofoten.

Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Patinated silver, silk, chorall from Lofoten, red stone from an old goldring, chorall from Lofoten, green onyx.

Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Silk, porcelain, gold, agate.

upcoming events


Welcome to Haugesund kunstforening at of May 2013

night garden work

Night garden

After midnight, 2013, necklace, chorall from Lofoten, agate, silk, bijouteri

Sunset beach, 2013, necklace, choral from Lofoten, bijouteri, silk, carneol, gold

My world by night,2013, neclace, choral from Lofoten, gold plated souvernir with chain, silk