Two new neclaces are finished and will be on display at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo. by 24.11. 2023
Carbon2, 2023: Elm, lebondolite, silk, pigments
Carbon1, 2023: Elm, iolit, silk, pigments
Two new neclaces are finished and will be on display at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo. by 24.11. 2023
Carbon2, 2023: Elm, lebondolite, silk, pigments
Carbon1, 2023: Elm, iolit, silk, pigments
Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Silk, porcelain, carneol, gold
Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Silk, porcelain, golden rutil
Under the surface, brooch, 2013. Patinated copper, silk, blue stone from an old goldring, surgical steel, chorall from Lofoten.
Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Patinated silver, silk, chorall from Lofoten, red stone from an old goldring, chorall from Lofoten, green onyx.
Under the surface, necklace, 2013. Silk, porcelain, gold, agate.
After midnight, 2013, necklace, chorall from Lofoten, agate, silk, bijouteri
Sunset beach, 2013, necklace, choral from Lofoten, bijouteri, silk, carneol, gold
My world by night,2013, neclace, choral from Lofoten, gold plated souvernir with chain, silk
Softly melted, 2013, ring, polystyren, glitter, epoxy
Softly melted, 2013, rings, polystyren, glitter, epoxy, gold
Artist statement:
Å finne gamle gleder i form av fordums edle smykker er ikke lett i
smeltedigelens tid. Gull-Adam har omformet det meste til tall. Jeg
har savnet glade ringer som løfter napoleonskake til munnen på
bakeriets utsalg, ved siden av en kopp med kaffe. Jeg har vært på
jakt etter gleden, sukkeret, pynten og en softis med jordbærstrøssel.
Nå venter våren!
Drawing in red, 2012, Necklace, Copper, pigment, oil, silk
Drawing in green,2012, necklace. Copper, silk, pigment , oil
Drawing in black and blue, 2012, necklace, Patinated silver, silk
All photos: Ingrid Løvtun
Contain 2012. Vessel made from painaed copper and silk. Size 40cm x 30cm x30 cm
Photo: Ingrid Løvtun
Embroidery in white, necklace 2011
patinated silver, silk, white quarts.
Embroidery in ocre, necklace 2011
patinated silver, silk, carneol
Embroidery in red, necklace 2011
patinated silver, silk, granate
All photos: Kirsti Mørch
Beholde/Contain I,III, II, 2009, Objects in patinated copper and silk
Beholde/ Contain I, 2009, patinated copper and silk. Photo: Ingrid Løvtun
BeholdeIII, 2009, patinated copper. Photo: Ingrid Løvtun
Beholde/ containIV, 2010, Patinated copper and silk. Photo: Ingrid Løvtun
Det usynlige/ The invisible, 2010 Patinated copper. Photo: Ingrid Løvtun
Bevegelse, Tanke, Handling, Håndtak til ytterdør: Iddefjordsgranitt, syrefast stål, Trioving lås / Doorhandle, Iddefjord granite, acidproof steel, lock from Trioving.
Master degree work, National academy of the Arts, Oslo 2008, The summer is short in the north.
Sommeren er kort i Nordens Land, Ring, sølv, silke, linser, 2008
Sommeren er kort i Nordens Land, Ring, Sølv, silke, perler, 2008
Sommeren er kort i Nordens Land, Ring, Sølv, silke, 2008
Sommeren er kort i Nordens land, Ring, Sølv, blomstertråd, frø
Sommeren er kort i Nordens Land, Ring, Sølv, silke, blomstertråd, frø
Sommeren er kort i Nordens land, Ring, Sølv, silke, blomstertråd, frø
Sommeren er kort i Nordens Land, Ring/Objekt, sølv, silke, røde linser